June 16, 2010

Guest Post: Rock Paper Scissors, A Nursery for Wiley

Lauren from Rock Paper Scissors is here again today to turn our Mandy Michelle baby announcement into a nursery! chocolate dots storage basket clothing tree bamboo jungle friends mobile eames rocker sleep sack changing table growth chart dot to dot baby blanket alphabet...READ MORE

June 15, 2010

Guest Post: Rock Paper Scissors, Seaside Fete Vacation

Today Lauren is back, and has transformed our Seaside Fete invitation into fabulously fashionable vacation must haves! Pack your bags because we are going on a Wiley Valentine Seaside Fete inspired vacation.  Nantucket here we come! bikini maxi dress carryall bag double breasted cardigan tied mini snap skirt nautical anchor necklace panama hat bangle...READ MORE

June 8, 2010


Here is a bit of enchanted inspiration I have gathered lately... Let's start with this gorgeous dress made entirely of crocheted doilies made by the bride herself, found on 100 layer cake. I am completely smitten with this dress. So unique and gorgeous! Next up this gorgeous mad hatter inspired shoot by the brilliant Jessica Claire, found on SMP. How amazing are those clocks from OC Prop Girl? I am always a sucker for the Alice in Wonderland inspired...READ MORE

May 19, 2010

Dream Sequence

This group of pics evokes a dream like escape. I am so loving this vibe right now! From the top {1.This shot by Janne Peters is so cozy! LOVE It!; 2. there is something so irresistible about Roberts Rose water packaging. I just want to stock every bathroom in the house with this, and maybe give away mini bottles as favors; 3. and this crochet flower via Fryd e-zine...gorgeous!} From the top  {1. This enchanted cottage on a lake is definitely...READ MORE

May 18, 2010

Childhood Whimsy

On my inspiration journey for my baby announcements I came across this most adorable photo shoot in Papier Mache e-zine. I am so in love with this I had to share. It's the perfect touch of whimsy and elegance, definitely something I am going to try and capture in the announcements. The tricky thing is creating a boy AND a girl announcement design since we don't know what we are having! I have my work cut out for me. In the meantime, enjoy this bit of...READ MORE