December 5, 2013

Hot off the Press {Calligraphy Monogram}

These invitations are the perfect example of chic elegance with a twist. The playful lettering and chic monogram, contrasted with the classic color palette, double thick paper and striking edge...READ MORE

November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving/Thanksgivukkah

Happy Thanksgiving/Thanksgiviukkah my friends! Wishing you all a safe and fabulous holiday filled with delicious food, wonderful friends and family, and lots of laughter. It's good for the soul. I will be back on Monday with brand new posts. In the meantime I just wanted to tell you all how grateful I am for reading, following along on my adventures, and always being so supportive....READ MORE

November 21, 2013

Holiday Pop-Up Shop & Mom Moment

I have a confession to makeā€¦I am sure many of you can relate, juggling motherhood and owning a business is a constant challenge. As you may have seen we announced the date for our annual pop-up shop on Monday. Well late yesterday as I was going through Piper's school calendar I realized her Christmas show for school is that very same day and time! My heart sunk as I realized my error. We quickly scrambled to reschedule, and I am happy to announce the...READ MORE

November 19, 2013

SAVE THE DATE {Holiday Pop-Up Shop}

Save the date guys! Our annual Holiday Pop-Up shop is right around the corner. You may have seen on Instagram we just celebrated our 10 year anniversary! We are beyond grateful and feel so blessed to have 10 years under our belt. In celebration of this, we will be offering some limited edition gifts for sale, super fun activities and of course gifts for you! You are not going to want to miss this. Think sips, shop, and letterpress!! We will be having our...READ MORE