Burger Bar

We had guests over the other night and decided to have a burger bar for dinner. I am a big fan of interactive food. I think it makes it interesting and fun, and keeps your guests engaged. Below are the results of our burger bar.


I made these cheddar, bacon, chive biscuits from Bon Appetit and they were seriously amazing!! Some things that made this a really fun dinner were the fun toppings we had including crispy proscuitto, fried shallots, fried thinly sliced garlic, cucumbers, and jalapenos. Our guests really enjoyed the meal and this got me thinking what a fun couples’ shower menu this would be. I mean I know at most showers there are tea sandwiches and dainty salads, and trust me I love myself a tea sandwich but every once in a while don’t you just want a really good gourmet burger!? This would be such a fun concept to carry out with a bunch of imported fun beers, and even different burgers like lamb and turkey! I am dying to do this on a larger scale…how about you guys?