June 11, 2015

Quote of the Day {Top of the Mountain}

I love this quote so much. It's easy to look at others and think wow, I wish I could do that or I wish my company had this or that, but ultimately you have to remember those at the top worked very hard to get there. Just a little something to remind us to keep on fighting, keep on working our butts off, and keep on dreaming. We will get there...Happy Thursday my...READ MORE

June 2, 2015

Quote of the Day {Love and Adore}

Growing up this was something my mother always told me over and over again. It seems like such a simple thing, yet most of us need to be reminded of this from time to time. So here is my reminder to you, friends. Surround yourselves with good people. Those that love and adore you, and let go of the...READ MORE